Saturday 29 October 2016


Recently, I went to a new Indian restaurant. The restaurant's name is Mount Everest. The name is a little strange, but the food was delicious. I ate lamb curry and garlic nan. It was really tasty.

Recently, I went to_______________________

Recently, I bought________________________  

Recently, I ate____________________________

Recently, I saw___________________________

Sunday 23 October 2016

How was the food? How about the wine?

「How was the pasta?」の意味は パスタはどうでしたか? でも、たいてい日本人は「How about the pasta」と言います。「How about the pasta」の文法は完璧ですが、いつも二番目質問です。例えば…

Aさん How was the pasta?    パスタはどうでしたか?
Bさん It was wonderful.     素晴らしかったです。
Aさん  How about the wine?  ワインは?
Bさん  It was delicious.      美味しかったです。


The tempura was_____________
The movie was________________
The baseball game was_________________
The weather was_________________ 
The hotel was_____________________

How was the___________?  How about the_____________?
How was the___________?  How about the_____________?
How was the___________?  How about the_____________?

Friday 14 October 2016

Which do you like better...?


たいてい日本人は「Which do you like sushi or tempura?」と言いますが、ネイティブスピーカーは「Which do you like better sushi or tempura? 」と言います。上のビデオを見てください。