Thursday, 30 March 2017

It was fun going to Kobe

It was fun going to Kobe

「I went to Kobe, it was fun」と「It was fun going to Kobe」の意味は似ている。二つの文は過去形だが、「It was fun going to Kobe」の方が優しくて暖かい。でも聞き手はあなたが神戸に行った事が分かる。ネイティブスピーカーはその言葉をよく使う。例えば...

It was interesting going to the museum.

It was fun riding the roller-coaster.

It was exciting playing football.

It was good eating sushi.

でも、気をつけて、「It was delicious eating sushi」はネイティブスピーカーは言わない 。


1. It was interesting going to__________
2. It was fun ________ing ____________
3. It was exciting _________ing___________
4. It was good_________ing_____________

Thursday, 23 March 2017

How many, How much?



  1. How many TVs do you have? 何台のテレビを持っていますか?    I have _________TVs.
  2. How much rice do you have? どのくらいの米を持っていますか?   I have______rice. 
  3. How many CDs do you have? 何枚CDを持っていますか?         I have______CDs.
  4. How much wine do you have? どのくらいのワイン持っていますか? I have________wine. 

Friday, 17 March 2017

A Few Times

このレッスンのテーマは、一回、二回、何回か、数回と何度も。英語で「once, twice, a few times, several times and many times」. 例えば...

1. I have been to Germany once.                                    一回ドイツに行ったことがあります。
2. I have watched baseball at a stadium twice.                       二回スタジアムで野球を見たことがあります。
3. I have eaten French food a few times                                        何回かフランス料理を食べたことがあります。
4. I have read Brave New World several times.                   数回ブレイブニューワールドを読んだことがあります。
5. I have made Indian food many times.                        何度もインド料理を作ったことがあります。

  • I have_______________________once.
  • I have_______________________twice.
  • I have_______________________a few times.
  • I have____________________several times.
  • I have_______________________many times.

Friday, 10 March 2017


Nearby my language school is a Mos Burger, there is a Family Mart close to it.

英語の言葉「close, near and nearby」は類義語ですが、ニュアンスはちょっと違います。「close」と「near」は似ているけど、「near」より「close」の方が近いです。例えば...

There is a hotel close to my apartment.
There is a supermarket near my apartment.


「There is a post office nearby my apartment」と「There is a post office in my neighborhood」の意味は同じです。近所では郵便局があります。


1. There is a ________ close to my ________
2. There is a ________near my___________
3. There is a ________nearby my__________
4. There is a________ in my neighborhood.