Friday 10 March 2017


Nearby my language school is a Mos Burger, there is a Family Mart close to it.

英語の言葉「close, near and nearby」は類義語ですが、ニュアンスはちょっと違います。「close」と「near」は似ているけど、「near」より「close」の方が近いです。例えば...

There is a hotel close to my apartment.
There is a supermarket near my apartment.


「There is a post office nearby my apartment」と「There is a post office in my neighborhood」の意味は同じです。近所では郵便局があります。


1. There is a ________ close to my ________
2. There is a ________near my___________
3. There is a ________nearby my__________
4. There is a________ in my neighborhood.

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